Client Satisfaction QuestionnaireAs a part of our commitment to improving the service we provide, we would like to ask you complete the following form. Overall, how satisfied are you with our level of service? -- Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied How easy was it to communicate with us? -- Very easy Easy Not easy How satisfied are you with the way you are kept informed of the progress of your case? -- Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied How satisfied are you with the way advice or information was explained to you? -- Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Did you find our services approachable and friendly? Yes, certainly! Yes, but it could be better. Not really! Were the matters managed in a competent and timely manner? Yes, at all times! Yes, most of the times. No, not always. No, not at all! How did you hear about us? -- Friend Family Internet Recommendation from a professional Other How likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or family? -- Very likely Likely Not likely Who was the person with conduct of your case? Any further comments or suggestions? We welcome feedbacks and may share them with other existing or prospective clients. Would you be happy for your feedback to be shared with others on our website and/or in other marketing materials in print and/or in digital formats? -- Yes No Name First Name Last Name Email Thank you for your time in completing this feedback questionnaire.